April 2021
There are roles available with the Union! It is a great chance to advocate for fairness and respect in the workplace and gain marketable experience. Roles available are:
Stewards: Extensions of the executive team where you will represent and protect the rights of members in the collective agreement. The role of a steward, as well as the executive team, is to ensure that the collective agreement is being followed in the workplace, help to solve any concerns that arise and help general communication between members and the executive. A steward is someone that is an ally and supports. There is online training for introduction to stewarding that takes approximately 3 hours online that runs multiple times a month. A flexible role!
Communications officer: would be responsible for website maintenance and development, general communications as well. Opportunity to grow marketing/communications skills.
Grievance officer: Would oversee the handling of all local grievances. Critical to upholding the CBA and security of employees.
Membership officer: Would keep an up-to-date record of the membership, maintain a seniority list and a list of job vacancies.
Trustee: Responsible for auditing our books and accounts and report the findings to the membership in the meeting. Very low commitment- a few hours a year.
Social Committee: 3-5 people and their function would be just to arrange and conduct social and recreational activities for the local, and there would be a petty cash fund allocated to it.
Bylaws Committee: (approx. 10 hours over a few months; short-term commitment), to complete our bylaws- a set of rules that the Union would follow in meetings and other processes/ procedures. Guidance from national union is available.
Current executive roles: If members want to swap to another role, one of these roles might also become available, so for whatever reason if there’s a role right now that isn’t vacant that you have interest in please let us know.